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Majestic Pure Vitamin C Serum

The Majestic Pure Vitamin C serum is excellent quality. I definitely recommend it. It has brightened my skin. I do use it with a derma roller mostly. The vitamin C serums acts as a natural bleaching agent and lighten the skin, including age spots and dark circles under the eye. In addition to brightening skin, topical vitamin C serums can prevent mild redness associated with sun damage. According to Dr. Oz, topical vitamin C can even reduce the number of sunburned skin cells.The biggest disadvantage of a vitamin C serum is its instability. Light and air can denature the active ingredients and render them useless. For this reason, Dr. Oz recommends using topical vitamin C serums that are packaged in opaque and airtight containers. Also, be aware that products labeled with vitamin C as an ingredient may not have active vitamin C. After you’ve chosen a vitamin C serum, it is important that you use it right. Correct method of application will definitely increase the effectiveness of the cream. Dampen your face with water and start by applying the serum to your face and neck. Let it dry for some time and then apply a moisturizer, if possible use one with a sunscreen in it. It is important that you use the serum before moisturizing and not after. This is because the serum is easily absorbed into the skin, while moisturizers work on the surface. If you use the moisturizer first, your skin will not be able to absorb the vitamin c serum. Vitamin C serums are oil free preparations that are perfect for balancing oily skin by exfoliating naturally. Because of its exfoliating properties, it is a good idea to follow up a vitamin c serum application with a moisturizer, especially if you have sensitive skin. Lastly, after purchasing the serum, it’s a good idea to keep it refrigerated. This will keep the serum from oxidizing too quickly, and will give you a better result for the price. Disclaimer, I received the product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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